Arthur Bruce - Baritone


Tannhäuser - EPOG (Credit Candidman Photography)
Tannhäuser - EPOG - by Candidman Photography

Madama Butterfly - Dorset Opera Festival 2024

George Hall • Opera Magazine • October 2024
Arthur Bruce's excellent Yamadori entered not with the two servants mentioned in the libretto but a small but silent male chorus who performed a little marching routine with Japanese flags on arrival and departure.

Der Freischütz - Oldenburgisches Staatstheater 2024

Dennis Schrimper • Die Nordwest-Zeitung (NWZ) • September 2024
Hervorzuheben sind weiter der energiegeladene Ottokar von Arthur Bruce sowie die souveränen Leistungen von Seumas Begg als Kilian und Stephen K. Foster als Kuno. — <Also worthy of mention are Arthur Bruce’s energetic Ottokar and the confident performances of Seumas Begg as Kilian and Stephen K. Foster as Kuno.>

Un ballo in maschera / Gustavo III - Chelsea Opera Group 2023

Hugh Canning • Hugh Canning's Operalogue • October 2023
Arthur Bruce’s ear-pricking Cristiano made a notable contribution

Carmen - Waterperry Opera Festival 2023

Mark Valencia • Opera Magazine • October 2023
The Scottish baritone Arthur Bruce, with his burnished timbre and charismatic stage presence, was wasted in his brief turn as Moralès

Tannhäuser - Saffron Opera Group 2022

Peter Reed • Opera Magazine • November 2022
Arthur Bruce’s expressive, warm baritone told us everything we needed to know about Wolfram’s unresolved conflict of interests between Elisabeth and Tannhäuser, his Act 2 contest song showed off the full bloom of his voice, then ‘O du mein holder Abendstern’ cast its melancholy magic over Act 3.

Utopia, Limited - Scottish Opera 2021

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • December 2021
Arthur Bruce's suave Phantis and Richard Suart's vintage Scaphio were a seamless match of youth and experience

Così fan tutte - Scottish Opera 2020

Ken Walton • Vox Carnyx • December 2020
finds willing partnership in baritone Arthur Bruce’s more laddish, vocally composed Guglielmo.

La bohème - Scottish Opera 2020

Ken Walton • The Scotsman • September 2020
...and Arthur Bruce as musician Schaunard, matching breezy theatrical energy with firmly-centred singing.

Bride & Gloom - Bampton Classical Opera

Claire Seymour • Opera Magazine • December 2019
Arthur Bruce's relaxed baritone conveyed Artidoro's easy charm and confidence,

Bride and Gloom - Bampton Classical Opera

Claire Seymour • Opera Today • September 2019
Arthur Bruce’s relaxed baritone conveyed Artidoro’s easy charm and confidence, cockily tossing and bouncing a tennis ball, suavely anticipating the success of his elopement scheme. When, discovered by the suspicious Rosmondo hiding under a blanket in the chair, this Artidoro did not panic when threatened by the collapse of his strategy or the bullying jabs from Casimiro, whipping out a water-pistol with the panache and poise of Indiana Jones.

Street Scene

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • August 2018
Bouquets to [...] and to Arthur Bruce for his telling vignettes as the Janitor.

Pearl Fishers - Edinburgh Grand Opera 2018

Hugh Kerr • The Wee Review • March 2018
Zurga, the leader of the island people, is very well sung by Scottish baritone Arthur Bruce, who has great melody and authority in his voice.

Penderecki - Symphony No 7 "Seven Gates of Jerusalem" (UK première) - Bridgewater Hall 2015

Michael Cookson • Seen and Heard International • June 2015
Striking was the clear diction of Arthur Bruce narrating Ezekiel’s prophecy...

Classical Review - Lammermuir Festival 2014

David Kettle • The Scotsman • September 2014
Young soloists Katie Grosset and Arthur Bruce seemed in their element – Bruce’s demanding solo in the Libera Me, in particular, matched restless strength with an effortless smoothness.

Der Freischütz - Oldenburgisches Staatstheater 2024

Thomas Honickel • ioco - Kultur im Netz • September 2024
Der Ottokar von Arthur Bruce ist ein wohlklingender Bariton, der dem Landesfürsten die nötige Autorität verleiht, der aber auch zum Einlenken und zum Überdenken überkommener Strukturen bereit ist. — <Arthur Bruce's Ottokar is a melodious baritone who lends the sovereign the necessary authority, but who is also prepared to give in and rethink outdated structures.>

Madama Butterfly - Dorset Opera Festival 2024

Gay Pirrie-Weir • The Fine Times Recorder • July 2024
Arthur Bruce making much more impact than is usually made by the suitor, Yamadori.

Un ballo in maschera / Gustavo III - Chelsea Opera Group 2023

David Nice • • October 2023
...while baritone Arthur Bruce offered the freshest male voice on display in the not unrewarding bit-part of sailor Cristiano.

Banktock's 'The Sphinx' - London Song Festival 2023

Robert Hugill • Planet Hugill • August 2023
Arthur Bruce and Edward Jowle shared the duties, each bringing a remarkable commitment and sense of identification with the poet narrator, and both had very fine diction so that Wilde's words came over well.

Tannhäuser - Saffron Opera Group 2022

Irene Richards • Wagner News • September 2022
Wolfram, sung by Arthur Bruce (standing in for an indisposed Richard Burkhard) was one of the highlights of the evening. You can only admire his pure, steady tone and superb diction.

Così fan tutte - Scottish Opera 2020

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • February 2021
As for Arthur Bruce's Guglielmo, here was the Latin lover par excellence, brimming with braggadocio and vocal panache.

La bohème - Scottish Opera

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • November 2020
while Arthur Bruce lent all his extrovert charm to Schaunard,

Amadeus & the Bard

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • December 2019
Arthur Bruce lent Burns suitable masculinity and showcased a ripening baritone in the Mozart scenes, including a promising 'Fin ch'han dal vino',

Das Rheingold - Edinburgh Players Opera Group

Opera Scotland • September 2019
a vigorous and well-projected Donner from Arthur Bruce - now an Emerging Artist with Scottish Opera and even allowed to trot over to the percussion section to unleash his own thunderbolt. 

Gianni Schicchi

Andrew Clark • Opera Magazine • April 2019
Arthur Bruce excelled as Schicchi: he had the swagger, the vocal colours and inflexions, not to mention a resonant baritone. More than that, he commanded the stage, and handled his bedridden geriatrics with aplomb.

Street Scene - Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 2018

David Smythe • Bachtrack • May 2018
… while Arthur Bruce as Henry the janitor soulfully sang about ‘A Marble and a Star’ – even the garbage man can have the American Dream...

Tannhäuser - Edinburgh Players Opera Group

Opera Scotland • September 2016
Perhaps the most satisfying performance of all was that of the Wolfram. Arthur Bruce was not in the cast originally announced, but his vital solos in each of the three acts, climaxing with 'O Star of Eve', were undoubted highlights of this memorable afternoon.

Trouble in Tahiti - RNCM Chamber Opera 2015

Clare Roberts • The Skinny • February 2015
A vocally robust performance is given by Arthur Bruce, attentive to the more vulnerable side of Sam’s character.

Duruflé Requiem - Lammermuir Festival 2014

Alan Coady • Bachtrack • September 2014
Then from the ranks of choir emerged the baritone soloist, Arthur Bruce. His rich voice crescendoed movingly through "animabus", settling before tremolo strings ushered in the work's key reflection, "morte”... Baritone soloist Arthur Bruce dramatically delivered the work's only mention of the Dies irae. Like his compatriot Fauré, Duruflé was offering comfort, not terror. Nevertheless, the expressive power in Bruce's voice was dramatic.

Arthur Bruce • 2024